
Wrestlers Name -B@e
Location - Highlands Scotland
Height -6,4
Weight -260 pounds
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight -Heavyweight
Signature Moves - Hells Gate Codebreaker Pedigree 5 Star Frogsplash Super Kick RKO Sharpshooter Backstabber Lionsault
Finishing Moves - B@e Bomb(Batista Bomb) Randy Orton Punt kick
Match Speciality - Hardcore or extreme rules anything

D.S Henry

Wrestlers Name - D.S Henry
Location - England
Height - 6.3
Weight - 430 pounds
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Super Heavyweight
Signature Moves - massive shoulder barge, bearhug, battering ram, headbutt, turnbuckle splash, massive drop, big boot, samoan drop, elbow drop
Finishing Moves - Worlds Strongest Slam and the 400 pound splash
Match Speciality - last man standing


Wrestlers Name - Enigmo
Location -ireland
Height - 6ft 4
Weight - 230 p
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - heavyweight
Signature Moves - victory roll,black hole slam,french tko
Finishing Moves - awsome bomb, styles clash, aconda vice
Match Speciality - ladder , street fight ,steel cage, i quit match

Justin Sane

Wrestlers Name - Justin Sane
Location - My Sanitarium
Height - 6'3"
Weight - 245 lbs
Cruiserweight / Heavyweight - Cruiserweight
Signature Moves - Whisper in the Wind, Swanton Bomb, Springboard Moonsault, DragonRana, Vertebreaker, Wheelbarrow Driver, Running STO, Cross-legged wrist-clutch fisherman brainbuster, Flip DDT, Leaping reverse STO, Lifting double underhook facebuster, Double knee gutbuster, Corkscrew neckbreaker, Imploding 450° splash, 720° Moonsault, Scissors Kick, Facewash, Shining Wizard, Corner-to-corner missile dropkick, Dropsault, Superkick, Cattle Mutilation, Gogoplata, The Matrix, Rolling cutter
Finishing Moves - The Insane Driver - Front Flip Piledriver, The Silent Suicide - Shooting Star Combinations, Crossface
Match Speciality - Sanititarium Match


Wrestlers Name - Kakarot
Location - Falkirk,Scotland
Height - 5ft 8
Weight - 325 pounds
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Heavyweight
Signature Moves - Hells Gate(Undertaker Submission Move)
Finishing Moves - The Third Degree(Cody Rhodes New Move) & The Punt Kick(Randy Orton Style)
Match Speciality - Extreme Rules,TLC

Mason Clay

Wrestlers Name - Mason Clay
Location - New Zealand
Height - 6 foot 4
Weight -245
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Heavyweight
Signature Moves - Orton Back Breaker / german suplex
Finishing Moves - RKO / Rated RKO (Opponent dives off top turnbuckle, i catch them in the air with an RKO) / Running Big Boot
Match Speciality - any and all
Desired title - O.C.W Heavyweight Championship

Michael Cunningham

Wrestlers Name - Michael Cunningham
Location - Providence, RI
Height - 5'10
Weight - 233 lbs
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Cuiserweight
Signature Moves - Head scissor take down, senton bomb
Finishing Moves - 450 splash, Juvi Driver
Match Speciality - Ladder

Mike Legend

Wrestlers Name - Mike Legend
Location - Miami,Florida
Height - 6'5ft
Weight - 229Pound
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Heavyweight
Signature Moves - Any
Finishing Moves - Scissor Kick
Match Speciality - Ladder

'Dynamite' Nick Falcon

Wrestlers Name - 'Dynamite' Nick Falcon (dynamite is a nickname).
Location - Cavan,Ireland.
Height - 5 Foot 8.
Weight - 129 Pounds.
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - In Between.
Signature Moves - Tornado DDT,Sick Kick,Guillitine Leg Drop.
Finishing Moves - Falcon Driver,Mass Exploder.
Match Speciality - Anything Hardcore.


Wrestlers Name - Raver
Location - Birmingham, England
Height - 6'2
Weight - 273 pounds
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Heavyweight
Signature Moves - spear, sit down powerbomb, top rope perfectplex
Finishing Moves - Raver Effect (F-5), Sharpshooter
Match Speciality - Ultimate Submission

RIsk Lesnar

name Risk Lesnar
location dorintosh sask canada
height 6ft2
weight 220
cweight or heavvyweight:heavyweight
finisher hunting rko


Wrestlers Name - RYDER
Height - 6'2
Weight - 9st
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - HEAVYWEIGHT
Signature Moves - ORIGINAL SIN (high impact choke slam)
Match Speciality - HELL IN A CELL

Super Duper Crazy

Wrestlers Name - Super Duper Crazy
Location - Mexico
Height - 5.7
Weight - 195 lb
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Cruiserweight
Signature Moves - Heel Kick/ Standing Moonsault
Finishing Moves - Top Rope Moonsault
Match Speciality - Falls Count anywhere

Teddy Otis

Wrestlers Name - Teddy Otis

Location - Toronto

Height - 6'3

Weight - 279 pounds

Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Heavyweight

Signature Moves - spear, belly to belly suplex, powerslam, superkick

Finishing Moves - Jack Hammer, Ankle Lock

Match Speciality - Hardcore/Tables Match

Desired title - every title


Wrestlers Name - The DJK
Location - Cornwall, England
Height - 6'3
Weight - 265lbs
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight - Heavyweight
Signature Moves - DJK Slam (Black Hole Slam) & Leg Drop from top rope
Finishing Moves - Cornish Cradle (Cradle Shock) & DJK (Rko)
Match Speciality - Hardcore, Hell in a Cell & Elimination Chamber

The Hitman

Wrestlers Name - The Hitman
Location - The cave
Height - 6Ft3
Weight -325
Cruiser weight / Heavyweight -Heavywight
Signature Moves - 5 nucle shuffle
Finishing Moves - cokeslam, lasso from elpaso
Match Speciality - anything goes

Trey De Marc

Name: Trey De Marc

Real Name: Jon

Birthday: NA

Hollywood, California by way of Detroit, Michigan

Marital Status: Unknown

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 313 lbs

Trained by: The Original Sheik

Trademark Moves:
Running Bicycle Kick
Sitout Torture Rack Backbreaker
Sitout Gorilla Press Slam
Double Handed Chokeslam
Old School
Sitout Powerbomb
Death Valley Driver
Running Suicide Plancha
Top rope Leg Drop
Torture Rack
Airplane Spin Powerbomb
Arm Triangle Facebuster
Chokeslam Backbreaker
Fallaway Slam
Full Nelson Slam
Guillotine Drop
Muscle Buster
Running Powerslam

Finishing Moves:
Trademarker - Delayed vertical suplex
(while holding his opponent in the air counts to 5 on his free hand) before driving them to the mat with an STO
Trademark Register, Gorilla Press into a G2S.
The Copyright, Texas Cloverleaf The Recessiob, Black Hole Slam

Entrance Music: 10000 Fists - Disturbed

Ring Attire: Jeans, Black Boots, Taped Fists